Bilateral Radial Deficiency

Congenital longitudinal radial deficiency is a rare congenital anomaly and encompasses a spectrum ranging from mild hypoplasia to complete absence of radius.
Bilateral radial deficiency. The authors report a case series of four cases. The radius may be malformed or missing. Radial longitudinal deficiency is a congenital present at birth condition in which the radius the inner bone that connects the elbow to the forearm did not form correctly in the womb. If untreated wrist position tends to deteriorate with further radial deviation occurring with growth.
Radial longitudinal deficiency affects between one in 55 000 and 100 000 babies. Different in that thumb is typically present. Radial clubhand is a deficiency along the preaxial or radial side of the extremity. In addition the thumb may be small or missing.
Autosomal recessive condition with thrombocytopenia and absent radius. Two cases of isolated radial club hand and two associated with other anomalies including vacterl syndrome. Radial deviation of the wrist is caused by lack of support to the carpus radial deviation may be reinforced if forearm muscles are functioning poorly or have abnormal insertions. The deformity is always present at birth but continues to develop with growth of the limb.
Thumb usually deficient as well. A longitudinal deficiency of the radius likely related to sonic hedgehog gene. Radial longitudinal deficiency rld also referred to as radial deficiency or radial club hand is a rare birth defect where the radius bone in the forearm does not form properly causing the hand to bend towards the thumb side of the forearm causing limited movement. Although considerable forearm and hand anomalies are the classic findings proximal deficiencies also can occur.